Jubelkoorkonsert saam met Amanda Strydom: Sondag, 5 April 2020 om 15:00


Caberet with the choir

Die Jubelkoor. Voor is solis Myra Bosch, koorleier Annatjie Smit
en sanger Emile Minnie.

Onderstaande was geskryf vir die plaaslike koerante as terugvoer aan ons vele Engelse ondersteuners. Dit het in die Our Times en op die Kouga Express se facebookblad verskyn. 'n Soortgelyke berig het in Afrikaans in die kerkblad, Seebries, verskyn.

As a guest of the Jubelkoor, cabaret singer, Emile Minnie, sang warmth into the hearts of his Jeffreys Bay audience on a cold, wintery Sunday afternoon on 24 July 2019 with a combination of his own Afrikaans compositions and a selection of fiery French songs.The event was held in the NG Kerk, Da Gama Road.

Floral arrangement by Lenie Hills
Minnie had the audience hanging onto his lips as he taught them how to roll the French “r”, and enticed them into joining him in the choruses. His playful humour and wit had the concert attendees in stitches and spell-bound until the last note had been sung. The entire evening was arranged around the theme, Winter Warmth.

Friend of the choir, Lenie Hills, created a huge floral arrangement  with this in mind. She depicted a cosy fireplace using flame-like orange strelitzias and red aloes which she arranged around a large, upright log, finishing the arrangement off with a violin and a trumpet to compliment the afternoon’s art genre.

In support of the said theme, choir members wore red accessories. Purely by chance, Emile Minnie walked on stage with a red velvet jacket as well, completing the overall picture.

This occasion was initiated and hosted by the committee of the Jubelkoor choir. The conductor was Annatjie Smit and the accompanist, Miemie Herselmann. Video above.

The choir also participated in the programme by singing a couple of songs of their own, one of which was a moving rendition of Pepper Choplin’s “We Are Not Alone” by soloist Myra Bosch with the Jubelkoor harmonizing in the background. Video above.

The enjoyable afternoon was concluded by the choir joining Emile Minnie in singing one of his compositions, Sandkasteel (Sand Castle). Video above. The final words echoed in the hearts of the attendees long after Emile had returned to his home town: “And if I sink away in the sand, I will reach for your outstretched hand….”
Die Jubelkoor. Voor is solis Myra Bosch, koorleier Annatjie Smit 
en sanger Emile Minnie.